Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i'm still here!

waoh! its been such a looong tyme....! i cant even beleive i'm blogging rite now...

my last post was what?like sometyme in february?...talk about following your projects through!keeping at something you decided to do..maybe simply because you promised yourself you'd keep at it...(abi isnt that good enuf reason?)...i've definitely got a lot of courses to take in that department...whatever..whatever..i'm doodling again...

ok.. so btwn february and now?? yours truly's been there, done that,(not exactly in the context dat phrase is usually used o! lol!) but really...i feel like i've taken a lot of courses...like i've gone through a school...really...dis year has been so eventful for me in the not so obvious ways....you know...like in d ways that really matter....in my definition of me...my values , my limits.....my
dreams....u know....but the crux of the matter is...like d lyrics of a song that i absolutely love...

I'm still here...
I made it through..
so have you
come through the fire.
and i've come through the flood...
but i'm still here..
kept by his love

life is really beautiful and God is good..(for real!).i'm amazed at the way pieces of dat jigsaw puzzle called my life are starting to fall into place...I'm like waoh!...no prayer goes unanswered...
in spite of my mistakes...(and beleive me..i've got a myriad!)..i mean...jeeez...Lord u know i'm truly amazed!!!!! u carry me on angels wings .........( u just really bring special pple at timely times .....you 're soo on point! more blabbing? i really have to stop this...

i'm writin for chrissakes and i'm supposd to be a budding writer...or so i like to think...dreams come true now...abi?

i'll try to be more legible and write like the chimamanda wannabe dat i am..(yeah i know what u're thinking...but what? its my blog and i'll write what i want to..write what i want to....lol!

ok..seriously now...GOD is entirely good and you better be doing what he wants you to do! when he's got an interest in your life, "almost doesnt count"with him...you've got to get it right! the process? of cus it aint usually pleasant...but u're always better for it...and Lord! "imma say thank you again"...i see what u doing and....... i lyke it!

i randomly checked my blog about 2 days ago...saw a few lovely comments...you guys are great and the reason i'm doing this again.....
i'll be posting again...all sorts, jist, my life, any randomness dat catches my fancy...whatever......

and to anyone who's reading...i'm working on my love skills rite now..and imma practise with u..
i luv u!