For those of us fans of Tatiana Durao, its was nice to see these pictures of her....she still looks soooo good.......
Obviously, Richard lost the chance of a lifetime...(not that i'm not a fan of "till death do us part") but i simply cannot have respect for a woman who would take richard back after all the love affair cum scandals of BBA II...whatever...i wish RICHRICKI the best...
now to the queen of BBAII, while i thot she overdid it...especially the sleeping part, Tati was definitely my most fav housemate...
I wanted Offunemama to win sha (afterall, "Arise o compatriots".....)
but i was quite dissappointed when i saw the FINGERGATE video.....
(drunk or not) she wasnt really better than Tati afterall....................
anyway, BBA II is long gone but here's wishing m'lady outstanding success in her modelling career..she certainly deserves it..
i know someone who needs tatiana's number since its like she has lost at both ends.........her bf and richard.
temi, have u finished raising your MCs? i will sack you!
tati was slutty...what she had with richard was demeaning to herself. initiallly, she struck me as a classy chick but she was so desperate to win she would have slept wit all d guys in d house. offuneka was just a fake.
lets exchange links?
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